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Early Childhood Services

Early childhood education is essential in preparing all children to be constant learners - this sets the tone for success in all aspects of future life.Vicki palmer

The staff of Early Childhood Services are honored to provide support and programs for our community's youngest residents. Please take a moment to browse our various programs & services geared to help children, parents, guardians, and district partners alike.

Preschool Application / alternative payment program application

Photo of Renee Menefee

Renee Menefee
Executive Director

Photo of toddlers playing on a colorful mat


Preschools & Child Care (Shasta & Tehama)
The Early Education and Instruction Department provides support, resources and professional development opportunities for early childhood education programs in our area. We ensure federal and state compliance of our California State Preschool programs. These high quality part-day preschool classrooms are located on various school district campuses throughout Shasta County. The California State Preschool Program Handbook contains parent participant information,

Visit Early Education & Instruction for more information.  

Photo of family and their toddler


Family & Community Engagement Services  (Shasta & Tehama)
The Family and Community Support Services Division is centered around families, children, child care providers and local agencies. For more information, visit the Family & Community Support Services site.

Photo of healthy food for children


Health & Nutrition (Shasta & Tehama)
We provide support, education and meal reimbursements to child care providers, districts and the community.  For more information visit the Early Childhood Services Health & Nutrition site.

Baby on tummy playing with colorful blocks.


Quality Counts North State 
Quality Counts California (QCC) is a grant funded systematic approach to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early care and education programs. Shasta County Office of Education is one of six counties in the North State representing a Regional Consortium called Quality Counts North State who work together to increase quality. This is an innovative approach that forges partnerships between counties to achieve the goal of helping children ages 0 to 5 and their families thrive by increasing the number of high-quality early learning settings, including supporting and engaging families in the early learning process. Supporting more settings to achieve high-quality standards helps ensure more of California's children enter school with the skills, knowledge, and dispositions necessary to be successful. This provides families the information and support they need to promote and optimize their children's development and learning, both inside and outside the home.

Contact the LCCPC Coordinator or visit the Quality Counts North State at for more information.