Risk Management
Employee safety and wellness involves many elements. These elements include Injury and Illness Prevention, Worker's Compensation, Medical and Dental Benefits.
Please contact the Associate Superintendent's office for additional information. (530) 225-0227
Injury & Illness Prevention Program
The California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 8, Section 3203, require employers to maintain a safe and healthful workplace for employees. These regulations are enforced by the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA). This IIPP has been developed to provide organizational structure and procedures to assure there are effective programs in place to identify and mitigate actual and potential hazards to the safety and health of SCOE staff, volunteers, and visitors.
Workers' Compensation
Although training and education is provided to prevent injuries, sometimes work related illnesses or injuries do occur. When incidents happen our goal is to expedite the employee's medical care and assure their early return to health and work. Our organization is self insured for workers' compensation. Shasta Trinity Schools JPA is now using Schools Insurance Authority for the processing of workers' compensation claims.
Immediately report all injuries to your direct supervisor and the SIA Early Intervention Nurse at (877) 742-3467.
Questions regarding your Workers' Compensation Injury call Schools Insurance Authority (SIA) at (916) 364-1281 or the Human Resources department at (530) 225-0205.
When An Injury Occurs:
Safety and Wellness
The personal safety of each employee while in the performance of his or her work activity is a top priority of the Shasta County office of Education. SCOE is committed to providing funds for risk management programs of safety activities, employee training, environmental testing, and purchase of safety equipment. These funds ensure that all employees have the opportunity to be informed and trained in the highest standard of safe work practices.
The Safety Wellness Awareness Group (SWAG) is a SCOE sponsored committee that meets at least four times a year to address employee safety concerns and to promote awareness of habits which can improve health and wellbeing in our work place. The SWAG committee also coordinates with the Wellness Plan being offered by the Shasta Trinity School Insurance Group (STSIG). The Safety Wellness Awareness Group (SWAG) will assist Supervisors, Site Administrators and employees in creating a culture of safety and wellness. This requires open lines of communication where employees have the opportunity and are eager to participate in safety and wellness programs