RFP, RFA & e-Rate
Request For Proposals
SCOE would like to welcome all service providers seeking to make
proposals for technology infrastructure projects within this organization.
Request for Proposal
Audio/Visual (AV) Installation Project
1177 Placer Street Redding California 96001
RFP Bid Package
Addendum No. 1 - Audio/Visual (AV) Installation Project
Addendum No. 2 - Audio/Visual (AV) Installation Project
Addendum No. 3 - Audio/Visual (AV) Installation Project
Addendum No. 4 - Audio/Visual (AV) Installation Project
Addendum No. 5 - Audio/Visual (AV) Installation Project
Request For Application (RFA)
We currently do not have any RFA at this time.
Request For Proposals (E-Rate)
We currently do not have E-Rate RFP's open for bids at this time.
All E-Rate related requests for proposal are maintain on Universal Services EPC portal.
E-Rate & RFP's
The E-Rate, the Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, provides discounts to assist most schools and libraries in the United States to obtain affordable telecommunications and Internet access.
Four service categories are funded:
- Telecommunications Services
- Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections
- Internal Connections Other than Basic Maintenance
- Internet Access
Discounts range from 20% to 90% of the costs of eligible services, depending on the level of poverty and the urban/rural status of the population served. Eligible schools, school districts and libraries may apply individually or as part of a consortium.
The E-Rate is one of four support mechanisms funded through a Universal Service fee charged to companies that provide interstate and/or international telecommunications services. The Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) administers the Universal Service Fund at the direction of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); USAC's Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) administers the E-rate.
- The process we follow to apply for and receive E-Rate discounts is summarized below:
- The Technology Plan Shows How Technology Will Improve Education or Library Services
- The Invoice (FCC Form 472 or 474) Tells SLD to Pay the Service Provider
- The FCC Form 486 Tells SLD that Delivery of Services Has Begun
- The Funding Commitment Decision Letter Contains SLD Decisions on Funding Requests
- The FCC Form 471 Seeks Funding for Eligible Services Competitively Bid
- The FCC Form 470 Opens a Competitive Process for the Services Desired
E-Rate discounts have become an important component to build the technology infrastructure that enhances the education experience to our students. SCOE has incorporated E-Rate discounts into the strategic planning of the organization which has helped promote a vision for student learning and a rationale for creating and continuing to build networked learning environments.