Williams v. State of California Education Lawsuit Settlement
The settlement of the Williams lawsuit, and the resulting legislation signed into state law on September 29, 2004, affects all districts and schools in California. SB 6 (Alpert), SB 550 (Vasconcellos), AB 1550 (Goldberg), and AB 3001 (Daucher) impose new responsibilities and duties on both districts and counties in an attempt to ensure that all public school students are provided equally with appropriate instructional materials, safe and adequate school facilities, and qualified teachers.
Under this legislation County Offices of Education are given new oversight responsibilities for the districts in their county. The Shasta County Office of Education is committed to implementing these new responsibilities in partnership with districts and in a manner that provides assistance to the schools rather than simply a "compliance exercise."
Information as well as sample documents can be located either at the California Department of Education (CDE).