Helping Our Children Prosper

Project SHARE contributes significantly to youth development in several ways.

Our SHARE sites use Every Monday Matters curriculum which provides development in self-esteem, performance, attitude, character, campus culture, and community. Many programs have youth leadership clubs which equip students with tools for the future.  Plus, the sites implement the program Thrively, which is geared for social and emotional learning.

Programs provide clear expectations and consequences, and are staffed by positive supportive adults.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

Project SHARE provides STEM enrichment activities and clubs daily. Students are involved in areas of each component of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) including VEX Robotics, Mindworks Kits, Stemfinity, Keva Planks , PCS Edventuresand many more. Students may also be involved in a Robotics Showcase held by Project SHARE each spring.

Service Learning

Over the past ten years, the Project Share After School Program has had the opportunity to impact families, schools, organizations, and businesses all over Shasta County by leaving a lasting impression on the community through service learning. Reaching out to the community has always been a high priority to Project Share since day one. With currently twenty-two schools in operation, Project Share is reaching more people now than ever. Some of the wonderful service learning opportunities our sites are a part of include: canned food drives, school campus clean-up days, fundraising for families in need during the holidays, writing letters to our troops, collecting cans for recycling, visiting patients in local rehabilitation centers, packing pet food at animal shelters, and volunteering at community events like Family Fish Day, Christmas tree lighting ceremonies, and Lights On.

This is just a glimpse of the many things Project Share students are a part of each year. Be on the lookout in your area for our students making a difference in our community each and every day after-school!