Schreder Planetarium

Planetarium - [plan-i-tair-ee-uh m] is a building which houses an instrument for projecting images of the stars, constellations, planets and other astronomical phenomena onto a domed ceiling.
Schreder Planetarium is a vision that started in the spring of 1979 when it was first opened to the public. We serve as a multi-media science education facility. Now we embark on a journey of bringing the fascination of astronomy and science to a greater audience.
Committed to bring scientific, educational and informative programming to northern California for every age. Our programs are diverse ranging from scientific documentaries to science fiction stories. Schreder Planetarium is open for school field trips weekly with reservation and evening public shows twice a month.
1644 Magnolia Avenue
Redding, CA 96001
Phone: 530-225-0295
Nathan Fairchild
Science Coordinator
"Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another."
- Plato