SCOE Main Office

Your children are very important to us. We are committed to ensuring that all students receive a quality education taught by highly qualified and motivated staff committed to the academic, social, and emotional needs of every student. Our mission at the Shasta County Office of Education, "To be leaders in educational excellence, offering support to schools and community to ensure Shasta County students receive a quality education preparing them for high school graduation and success in career and college" is a mission we do not take lightly. We are accountable to our clients, not only in providing a quality education for our youth, but also in maintaining sound management practices and care in how we provide oversight to the 25 school districts in Shasta County.
1644 Magnolia Avenue
Redding, CA 96001
Phone: 530-225-0200
Fax: 530-225-0329
Contact Us
Mike Freeman
Carmen Bahr
Executive Assistant
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."
- William Butler Yeats