SCOE Schools and Programs
The multitude of services operated by the County Office are many and far reaching.
We provide direct services to students by teaching in specialized programs such as preschools, special education, career education, incarcerated youth, and expelled and at-risk youth. We further teaching by operating science and STEM programs and administrating local scholarship fund for graduating high school students.
We provide a broad array of services that support improved student learning such as professional development opportunities, school district instructional and facilities reviews, and school support team assistance. State of the art learning opportunities ranging from administering educational programs to teaching reading to technology-based classroom and office practices are offered throughout the year. All services are customer driven and serve public school employees from throughout the region. We support health and fitness and early learning programs in the schools, and provide support and induction programs for new teachers and administrators. We coordinate the Teacher of the Year competition and programs designed to spread effective teaching practices throughout our County.
We provide services to our employees so that we can attract, hire, and maintain the best employees.