Project SHARE - After School Program
Welcome to the Project SHARE (Shasta Health, Academic and Recreation Enrichment) after school program. Project SHARE is a collaborative effort between Shasta County Office of Education, school districts and support agencies to provide out of school time activities for our students. Our mission, our goals, and our vision guide our programs to success.
Program Awards & Recognitions
Annually, Learning Support Region 2 After School Programs selects exemplary individuals throughout the nine county region who have made a significant contribution to the after school programs and are role models to others in the field. Our 2022-2023 school year Unsung Heroes were recognized at the Region 2 Conference on August 2, 2023.
*We are very proud of these honorees and the work of all of our staff. Without their dedication, students would not have academic assistance, tutoring, electives and snacks during the after school hours."
1644 Magnolia Ave, Redding, Ca 96001 ● Tel: (530) 245-7830 ● Fax: (530) 225-0331
SHARE operates from school dismissal to 6:00PM.
*Some frontier sites may close at 5:30 PM.*
Our Mission
To engage children in enrichment activities which positively affect their academic, social and emotional development.
Our Vision
A safe, structured and caring after school environment for every student in Shasta County, supported by the collaborative efforts of families, students, community members and local agencies.
Our Goals
- Provide a safe and fun place for students during after school hours
- Provide academic enrichment activities that increase student achievement
- Increase attendance
- Positively affect student behavior
- Provide homework assistance
- Offer recreational activities including art, sports, drama
Cathy Brighthaupt
Program Director - ProjectSHARE
Nick Lott
Area Coordinator
(K-8 Sites)
Jill Mcwilliams
Area Coordinator
(Middle/High School)
Kate Bates
Area Coordinator
(Frontier Sites/Summer)
Rebecca Spencer
Administrative Program Coordinator
Reanna McCulloch
Administrative Assistant