Anderson Heights
Anderson Heights offers an incredible variety of services for your students! They provide homework assistance and teacher support along with science activities using Common Core Methods and Robotics Curriculum. We offer Arts and Crafts daily. Our recreation programs consists of Dance with two performances within the year, Parks and Recreation Basketball League, Cross Country with the Volcanic League, GoFAR 5K running program, and Sparks Physical Educaton. Students also are learning the value of a positive attitude with Every Monday Matters Currriculum and the Leadership Club.
Program Information
Program Hours
School Dismissal until 6:00 p.m.
Grade Levels Served
TK-5th Grade
Contact Information
(530) 378-7050 School Phone
(530) 339-0107 Project SHARE Cell Phone
Site Facilitator
Cierra Turner
To contact the Site Facilitator:
Site Liaisons
Xavier Smith
Ava Quintana
Area Coordinator
Nick Lott