Bridges to Success
The Bridges Program has been delivering services to Shasta County families and schools since 2001. Bridges Staff provide evidence-based mental
health support to children, families, and schools when a child is experiencing challenges that disrupt their ability to fully participate in their learning.
health support to children, families, and schools when a child is experiencing challenges that disrupt their ability to fully participate in their learning.
Discipline that Works - FREE!
This online weekly drop-in group provides Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) strategies without the weekly commitment. Meetings are online Wednesdays at 6:00 PM.
Adventures in Parenting - FREE!
Come join us for the "Why?" behind those big, baffling behaviors. C
ome meet other families just like you. Gain new insight and build new skills to manage those big, baffling behaviors. Call (530) 225-0350 to learn more.Triple P - FREE!
Positive Parenting Program's simple, practical strategies have been proven to work around the world, helping parents raise happy, confident children; set family routines and rules that everyone can follow; and balance work and family life with less stress. To register for our eight-week parenting group, call (530) 225-0350.
Additional Services
- Motivational Interviewing for service providers ((((attach flyer))))
Treat a child though he already is the person he's capable of becoming.
- Haim Ginotto