Educational Field Trips
At Schreder Planetarium, our field trips can help you transform your lessons! Our lessons are easy, engaging, and written by our NGSS experts. Without the pre/post lessons, the experience is dramatically diluted. Schreder Planetarium’s pre-lessons and post-lessons make the trip into an engaging story - a mini-unit aligned to NGSS. Typically there are two lessons done prior to the trip, the field trip is the third lesson, and there are two lessons provided post-trip. You will be emailed a link to the lessons. [Summer programs are not expected to use these lessons]
If you do the pre-lessons, you get a free gift and your field trip becomes part of an intentional series of lessons.
Our programs include
- Pre-lessons and post-lessons that make the trip into a mini-unit aligned to the NGSS.
- An introduction with demonstrations and/or models that enhance the topic.
- A customized "night sky and more" presentation, also focused on the topic.
- The fulldome show itself.
- The gift shop and interactive exhibits
We do not see our field trips as "shows". We see this as a 5-lesson program with one of the lessons being the field trip of about 60-75 minutes that includes a fulldome film. Our goal is to create a complete experience that supports your classroom teaching in science, math, and ELA. Teachers who use the pre-lessons will receive a free science-related gift they can use in their classroom such as a plasma ball, cartesian jellyfish divers, polymer snow, balancing bird puzzle, and more.
Field Trip event time slots are at 9:00 and 11:00 am
Field Trip Requirements & Cost
The field trip minimum is 25 people (students + chaperones) and the maximum is 65 people.
If you have less than 25 people you will need to register and pay for 25.
The cost is $10 per person, excluding the teachers.
Grade Level Specific Programs
If you have a multigrade class, please choose a grade level.
For grades K-2, the 1st grade program is recommended.
For grades 3-8, the 5th grade program is recommended.
Kindergarten and T-K
Weather Changes and Patterns (fulldome film: Zula Patrol: Under the Weather)
First Grade
Investigating Patterns in the Sky (fulldome film: Earth, Moon, and Sun)
Second Grade
Engineering for our World and Beyond (fulldome film: Take Flight)
Third Grade
Adaptations with Engineering Design (fulldome film: Cosmic Safari)
Fourth Grade (NEW)
Light and Waves. New lessons, new customized show, and new fulldome movie, Traveling with Light.
Fifth Grade
Stars and the Sun with Data and Analysis (fulldome film: Secrets of the Sun)
Middle School
Gravity with Developing a Model (fulldome film: Black Holes: The Other Side of Infinity)
Middle School
Climate Change with Data and Analysis (fulldome film: Dynamic Earth
Available Fulldome Show Descriptions and Trailers
To explore the details of all the programs offered by Schreder Planetarium and to view the trailers, please click the link below.
Registration Information
To register, click on a program on the calendar below. You can choose a view at the top (month/week/day)
*Note - After you register and you feel you need more spots, contact us via email at at least 7 days prior to your event to see if we can accommodate you.
Open available spots will list the date, an example would be "Planetarium - May 2, 2023".