Developer Fee Services

Regular Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm 
(We are closed for lunch from 12pm-1pm)
Friday: 8am - noon

Developer Fees for residential and commercial construction are collected by the Shasta County Office of Education (SCOE) on behalf of the school districts of Shasta County. The fees collected are used by the districts for construction and reconstruction of school facilities and may be used to pay bonds, notes, loans, leases or other installment agreements for temporary and permanent facilities.


Fee Schedule 07/01/24-06/30/26
Residential 5.17
Commercial/Industrial .84

The fee may be adjusted every two years according to the inflation rate listed by the state-wide index for Class B construction set by the State Allocation Board.

The city or county building department will present SCOE a School Clearance Form which serves as notification of the square footage on the permit request. Fees are calculated by multiplying the square footage by the district's current rate per square foot. Upon receipt of payment, the developer will receive a School Impact Fees Transmittal Form to present at the building department for their building permit.

Developer Fee Payment Location:

The Shasta County Office of Education Developer Fee Office is located at 1644 Magnolia Avenue (Room 113) Redding, CA 96001.

Developer fees may be paid in the form of cash, check, money order or cashier's check payable to the Shasta County Office of Education.

Developer Fee Contacts

If you have any questions, please contact us at:
(530) 225-0225